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a guide/ friend/ coach/ consultant for (y)our journey


My name is Peter

My mission is to guide people in living a present and fulfilling life, while dissolving resistance and nurturing their inner world. I am committed to connecting with the world on a heart-centered, emotional, and spiritual level, as well as promoting a holistic and healthy lifestyle.

I am fueled by my passion for exploring the world and gathering insights from various cultures and teachings. My aim is to bring unity by integrating the many aspects of truth that abound in our diverse world. Furthermore, I am dedicated to assisting others on their path of awakening from suffering.

When we work together, I will meet you wherever you're at in your life. We will embark on a transformative journey, delving into and liberating your mind, heart, and lifestyle. Through our collaboration, we will release any resistance hindering your healing or the fulfillment of your life's purpose. My approach is rooted in empathy and loving-kindness, fostering a sense of togetherness, and encouraging you to live your life as a living prayer or meditation until the boundaries of the "meditator" or "doer" dissolve, revealing the pure essence of your being.


I'm here to help

Whether your goal is achieving happiness independent of past conditioning, releasing trauma and emotional blocks, identifying any resistance to the life you'd like to have, realizing your true nature, improving the mind-body connection, upgrading the mind, or experiencing a full-blown awakening that will permanently alter your moment-to-moment experience and perception of self and reality.

I will be your reflective guide and a friend along your Path. With techniques varying from basic mindfulness, Non-violent Communication, Somatic Therapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques, NLP, Brain Re-wiring/Re-imprinting, Memory Reconsolidation, body scanning, meditation, self-inquiry, contemplation, and altered states of consciousness, we can make substantial and measurable change in your life; even with just one session.

May you be happy :)

Please fill out the form below. You will be redirected to booking afterwards with details on payment and scheduling

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After filling out this form you will be taken to my coaching page where you can buy a session if you're ready. I will respond to your message via email shortly after receiving your entry.

My Favorite Testimonial


Marie Grace, USA

 I was a train wreck when I started working with Peter. I was in survival mode, fight or flight all the time, and very hypervigilant. I have had years upon years of trauma and diagnosed with C-PTSD and generalized  anxiety disorder. Peter has a wide variety of techniques that he uses, and it's not a one size fits all. I scheduled 6 sessions, and each session, we went deep, and I held nothing back. I had over 50 years of unresolved trauma, and all that goes with it that needed unpacking. I have done several different programs and therapists and never really made any progress for years. Peter and I worked on the worst of the worst traumas... things I never thought I would or could get over, see differently, or heal from. When I was done with the 6 sessions, I knew I was done. Every difficult, hard to imagine trauma and abuse addressed, and that covered all the other things. It's like the umbrella we dealt with and everything underneath followed. I finished with Peter feeling lighter and happier. I have my voice, my confidence, my self-esteem, my life, and my future. I'm not hypervigilant anymore. I'm not having nightmares, I don't think about the past and ruminate. I'm no longer a victim or survivor. I'm me!

Now, I'm figuring out what that means and what my future holds. I'm excited about what is to come. It's all new and exciting and a fresh start at 60! If I can do it you can too! Thank you, Peter, for your beautiful heart, your gifts, coaching guidance, and love. I have a life and hope for an amazing future I never thought possible. Thank you

What I Can Help You With

Fears / Stress

Relieving Chronic Illness / Pain

Childhood Trauma

Dissolving Resistance to Healing

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Regulating Nervous System

Living an Authentic Life

Aligning with Your Purpose

What Are Clients Experiencing?


Elizabeth, USA

Coral Flowers
"I went into working with Pete feeling very scared, vulnerable and not sure what to expect. I was afraid of being judged or ridiculed for my own feelings, thoughts, emotions, and personal traumas. My experience working with him after only two hours was VERY eye opening, relaxing and so helpful on many levels of my trauma. I highly recommend him and his services for anyone who feels emotion trauma, or just feeling lost in your own mind and wanting guidance on a better mindset, journey to optimal health and more. Thank you so so much Pete 😁😁"

Frequently Asked Questions


What to expect in a session?

As long as you enter a session with an open heart and mind, you can expect to experience deep shifts that may carry on long after the session takes place. These energetic shifts include insights that lead to radical breakthroughs, altered states of consciousness, and feeling grounded in your body

How long do sessions last?

A session generally lasts for 2 hours, however, if necessary I will go over time a couple of minutes to ensure your experience is complete.

What is Awakening Coaching?

In Buddhism, awakening (bodhi) is the ultimate goal of spiritual practice. It is the state of being free from suffering and delusion. Awakening is not a one-time event. It is a process that unfolds over time. You will gradually become more aware of your thoughts and emotions. You will also start to see the world in a new way. You will see that everything is impermanent, that everything is inter-connected, and that there is no such thing as a permanent self.

What is the refund policy?

All payments made are non-refundable.

Is coaching a substitute to therapy?

Coaching is not a substitute for therapy or for diagnosing any underlying conditions. My coaching has a deeply spiritual nature to it and does not promise any results. The client is a 100% responsible for any personal or professional growth.

Where are live sessions held?

Live online via Skype.

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