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Rhodochrosite crystallizes in the form of masses, grains, columns, crusts, botryodial and globular aggregates which are concentrically banded, thick tabular and prismatic crystals, rare rhombohedral crystals, and rare crystals with rounded striated faces. The colour-range includes pale pink to deep red, yellow, tan, orange, grey, and brown. Those crystals in the rose colour-range are highly collectable. The mineral was first reported in 1813 by J.F.L. Hausmann and was named from the Greek words meaning "rose colour". referring to the colour of first discovery.


The chemical composition is: MnCO3

Hardness: 3.5 - 4


Quartz is a silicon dioxide, crystallizes in the form of transparent to translucent to opaque masses, grains, druses, and prismatic hexagonal crystals; additional configurations are occuring. Quartz was first discribed as "Crysallus" (representing the crystalline formation) by Pliny in 77 AD, and was further described by U.R. von Kalbe in 1505 to present the history of same. The name "Quartz" was origninally sprelled "Quertz" (representing Quartzite, the compact granular massive configuration), and was named for the Saxon word "cross-vein ore". In the late 1700's the two configurations (crystalline and massive) were found by T. Bergman to have the same chemical composition, and, hence, were consolidated and provided with one name (Quartz). It has also been known as "Rock Crystal".


Quartz has piezoelectric and Pyroelectric properties: the polarity of the Quartz Crystal will change when it is either subject to pressure or heat, as well as when it is held in the hand - thhe tip, normally positive and recieving energy, will then change and become negative, thus, emitting energy which will radiate from the tip or from the edge. These properties support the amplification, focusing, storage, transfer, and transformation of energy. 


Kirilian photography shows that if one holds a Quartz Crystal in the hand, the etheric fields of the body are, at least, doubled.


Quartz and Quartz Crystals have been used for religious purposes since ancient times. Quartz is one of the seven precious substances of Buddhism. It was also said to have been one of the stones used in the breastplate of the high priest. Ancient priests used Quartz Crystals to render negative energy impotent, to dissolve enchantments and spells, and to destroy black magic.


Romans used Quartz Crystals for glandular swelling, to reduce fevers, and to relieve pain. In the Scottish Highlands, a crystal set in silver and worn about the back was thought to be effective for dis-ease of the kidneys. In medieval times, the Quartz Crystal was held against the tongue to both assuage fever and diminish thirst.


"Rock Crystal is a form of quartz, clear and transparent, the name Crystal coming from a Greek word signifying "frozen water" or "clear ice." The magical powers of revealing the hidden secrets of the future supposed to exist in the ball of Crystal is of very ancient origin; and it is said that Saint Augustine believed that Crystal-gazing, as it is called, originated in Persia.


The Moon, the ruler of the House of Cancer, has direct influence upon the intuitive faculties of the brain, through which seers visualise events foreshadowed in the Crystal; making it peculiarly appropriate and sympathetic to subjects of this type, so that it is not surprising that this sign produces some of the best seers. Pliny states that Roman physicians also used the ball of Crystal for cauterising purposes, holding it against the rays of the Sun; they also used them applied externally as a remedy for diseases of the kidneys.

Those whose birthdays fall within the periods of Aries or Libra, however, should not wear the Emerald, Moonstones, Pearls, Cat's Eyes, or Crystal, as they would not be in harmony with these gems."

-The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gemsby William Thomas and Kate Pavitt 1922


Chemical Composition: SiO 2

Hardness 7


Rhodochrosite on Quartz

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